Friday, January 23, 2009

A Love Affair

I've always been completely enamored by photography. When I was in high school I saved up to bug myself a N60 complete with 28-200 zoom lens with a 2x extender (retrospectively probally not the best choice). I carried that camera with me through college, making photography my minor. A few weeks ago after a photo shoot that I participated in as a subject, I became nostalgic. What was it that made me abandon photography? Photography is liberating, it’s fun, it allows you to see what may have been hidden.

After I left that shoot photography was on my mind. I pulled out my 35mm N60, loaded it up with a new battery, purchased two rolls of 200 speed film and suddenly realized, if I am really going to get back into this, this is not going to be sustainable. I spent $20.00 on a non-rechargeable battery, and another $12.00 on the film-- development would soon follow and electronic conversion, so that I could edit them in photo shop.

I needed a DSLR. I started looking into them with my husband, scouting sales, stalking Ebay. Yesterday when I got home from work, there on the table in the dining room was the D40 I had benn obessing about. I LOVE it. Thank you Mr. RMM.